Sunday, January 27, 2013

Love and Hate Chapter 2

Posted by Unknown

"Now?' I asked in confusion, part of my sandwich still in my mouth. "Yes now," my "mom"said grabbing me by the arm. I stumble after her and into the car. When I sit down my head starts to get woozy and my eyes begin to burn. "Mom?" I asked panicking. "What?" She replied irritated, until she looked at me. "Oh no," She whispers. "What? What?" My mom hates whispering; she had since I was really little so I knew something was up. I gripped the arms of the chair, and my nails dug into the leather. A bolt of pain shot up my back and I screamed in pain. All of a sudden my "mom" had her hands over my eyes and was yelling at me to calm down. My brain was in chaos and I couldn't see anything. After this happening for another minute or so my head instantly cleared. All of the pain left my body and was replaced with a calming feeling. I open my eyes, which had been shut tight from the pain my body was suffering, and looked around. I was in a meadow that was filled with what looked like thousands of different flowers. To name a few there were orchids, lilies, roses, sunflowers, daises, and more. Considering most of them lived in different climates than others they looked strange all together, but also like they were meant to be. The sun was shining down from between clouds and there was music playing faintly from a town nearby. It was the complete opposite of what had happened only minutes earlier. I'm quickly returned back into the car that was speeding down a highway with  my mom at the wheel the only worry line she had was showing on her otherwise flawless face. She glanced over at me then back to the road and then back to me. She sighed and the worry line disappeared. Her eyes skim over my face but soon focused back on the road. She didn't look a lot like me and neither did my father, but every morning before I went to school they made me point out the thing that we did have in common. First I would point to my mom's chin which had a dimple in it just like mine, then my dad would smile and I in turn poke his teeth and say that I had a smile just like his. Just before I can try and find something else my mom would cut me off and say I would be late to school. "So how do you feel?" My mom asked snapping me back into reality. "Just a minor headache mom," I lied. My head felt like it was about to explode, as if there were a tiny man stabbing me with a blade. "Good, good," she said nodding, "Because that was nothing,"