Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mission Statement

Posted by Unknown

Mission Statement: Our blog will be the story of four different people going through similar things, these stories will be expressed through our different medias. Entries will be submitted to the blog regularly. As a group we will discuss and analyze the differences and similarities caused by our varying medias and points of view. This analysis will also be posted to the blog.

Group Roles:
Victoria-”Leader”, deals out tasks
Lindsey--Problem Solver
Jordan-- Devil’s Advocate

Victoria- Journalist
Ryan- Electronics
Jordan- Character dependent on setting; keeps a word of the day that he reflects throughout the day, or “chapter”
Lindsey-  Science fiction

1. figure out story line
2. coordinate site post dates/ schedule
3. Choose weekly topics/story
4. Discuss weekly premise/storyline
5. Create submission
6. Publish on assigned date
7. Discuss Works