Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Interview with a student.

Posted by Unknown

Teaching games from the perspective of a student. I wanted to see what kind of games students like the best so today I am going to ask my little sister some questions about learning and games. If this works well I think it would be good to ask more students of different backgrounds and ages.

Amelia: age nine third grade.

V- Do you play a lot of games at school?
A- Yeah
V- What kind of games do you play most often?
A- Uh, puzzles and connect four.
V- Do you play a lot of games that teach you things?
A- We play games like fast math and type to learn at the beginning of the day.
V- Do you like these kinds of games?
A- Sort of, there not the best but they’re good.
V- Do you play any games as a class?
A- Not really
V- Does your teacher try to make learning fun?
A- Yes
V-How does she do that?
A- For example when we were doing math we were doing a rays and we did them with candy, and um we also were doing a sentence game and when we got all around the game board we got to eat candy.
V- So you do play games...would you like school more and learn better if you played more educational games?
A- Yes
V- What kind of games would you like to play?
A- Smart board games!
V- Ok thanks, anything else you would like to say?
A- *Shakes tiger stuffed animal head* no